Friday, August 23, 2019

Catatan Muzik - Nota 37

"I work on words quite separately to music. They're both ongoing, and I don't ever feel like I'm working in a cycle in that respect, because it's every day anyway, no matter what I'm doing. Then I get to a point when I've collected together enough words that seem like they want to be songs rather than poems, or sometimes not."


Nota Kaki : Jom jengah ke MAKANTIDURMUZIK TV untuk mendengar serta melihat promo lagu dari P.J Harvey yang berjuduk This Is Love. Semoga ianya dapat menjentik fikiran serta jiwa kita melalui muzik yang beliau ketengahkan dan jangan lupa untuk terus menyokong kami dengan subscribe channel Youtube kami.


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